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Spiral Foundation

paired with ARTribe Los Angeles

Our mission is to involve, educate, and unite people in order to spread our passion of giving back to communities in Vietnam, Italy, and Nepal. We hope to give new depth to the idea of giving, and also hope to bring meaning into children's lives. Each dollar helps save a child.

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Congressmen have fought any way they could find to prevent the liability being handed to the U.S regarding Agent Orange.

Constance Holden notes in an article that, “Key members of Congress have reached agreement on the nagging quandary concerning Agent Orange-namely, should the government provide compensation to servicemen who were exposed to the defoliant during the Vietnam War?” (Holden 1991).

The National Academy of Sciences has to make the official decision on the remediation due to Agent Orange.

Years later… the quarrel within the courtroom, opposite forces issued, “a bill under which the NAS will review all the available evidence on health risks and recommend to the Department of Veteran Affairs whether any more diseases should be linked to Agent Orange” (Holden 1991).

When the “congressional committee accused the Regan Administration of mounting a cover-up to avoid potentially massive disability payments” (Holden 1991). Following this massive blow, Congress readmitted the NAS and VA to participate in ending the conversation on Agent Orange.

Realistically, the only way for the truth of Agent Orange to be shown is for it to be studied by someone with no relationship or connection to opinions in government.

When information is held by the government, it tends to go unnoticed and never ends up being resolved, which was the case with Agent Orange in Vietnam.

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